Monday, February 15, 2010

Love wallpaper for your desktop

In this lesson we will try to show you how is it possible to create very nice wallpapers for the desktop (with PSD source file download).

love wallpaper for your 


For the beginning we'll create a new file (File>New) with 1280x1024 px and 72 dpi. Next we'll select the Rectangle Tool (U) and use it on the whole page to represent a rectangle. After that we'll apply the necessary Blending Options for the figure. The parameters are indicated in the next table.

love wallpaper for your desktop

love wallpaper for your desktop

Create a new layer now and press on the next combinations of buttons:Ctrl+Shift+E. Our layers become one this way. Select now the next optionFilter>Texture>Grain and set the parameters that we may see in the next image:

love wallpaper for your desktop

It's the picture that we have got:

love wallpaper for your desktop

Select now the next instrument and its possible option: Custom Shape Tool(U) Heart card

love wallpaper for your desktop

Place the heart's figure as in the next picture:

love wallpaper for your desktop

We should also apply the corresponding Blending Options and the next presented color for the layer: #FF2F2F.

love wallpaper for your desktop

It's the picture that we should get at this stage:

love wallpaper for your desktop

Insert the next shown text now on the picture:

love wallpaper for your desktop

The text's parameters are presented in this table:

love wallpaper for your desktop

Next step includes creating a new layer that must be placed under the text's layer and the heart's one. Then we should select the Brush Tool

 (B) and use this shown brush's options:Blood Splatter Brushes byVexing Art.

love wallpaper for your desktop

Using all those six brushes and the black color, we must represent a kind of splashed background as the next one:

love wallpaper for your desktop

Create one more new layer and use the same instrument on it, but this time different brushes: Evil Blood by Evil Neil.

love wallpaper for your desktop

We should represent such blots as those from below, applying these brushes:

love wallpaper for your desktop

Create one more layer and place it above the rest of them. We'll use the same brush to represent on the half of the heart several blots:

love wallpaper for your desktop

Now we'll select the Custom Shape Tool (U) Heart and place it as it is represented next picture. The hearts are marked with white small circles.

love wallpaper for your desktop

Using the Line Tool (U), try to represent several lines which will imitate the stains:

love wallpaper for your desktop

We should get the next result:

love wallpaper for your desktop

Mark out the layer now and press on the next combination of buttons Ctrl+Efor the layers to stick together. Next we'll apply the Lasso Tool (L) to picture a tear marking:

love wallpaper for your desktop

Press on this combination of buttons Ctrl+J to copy out the marking. It's necessary to have active the layer on the layers' palette when copying out the marking. Apply the here presented Blending Options for the copies layer:

love wallpaper for your desktop

We should get a kind of press effect:

love wallpaper for your 


The wallpaper are finished! 

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